Week 96 – When things don’t go as planed

I am sitting – looking out our rear window looking at our water fall. Jill is still in bed, so are Allison and Chris our visitors for the weekend. I had not realised how peaceful it is watching and listening to the water trickling down the split stone wall. I have solved the small leakage problem – The problem was that the leak was into our neighbour’s carport so it was very obvious.

As I mentioned Allison & Chris arrived yesterday to stay over night. It is great to have them home; it certainly shows up in Jill’s emotions. The smile is all over her face and body. I had been told to go to the supermarket and get a couple of Easter eggs for them as we had already eaten the eggs we had brought for them (Jill had not me ). Unlike before Easter – 2 months before there were eggs every where – none to be seen – I finished up with a box chocolates. Safeway still had hot cross buns which surprised me.

 I put out a leg of lamb to thaw last night after Jill reminded me. The kids always used to come home for “Mum’s Lamb Roast” well this week they are home for “Dad’s lamb roast” ( under Jill’s instructions) on the Cobb cooker.

Allison brought with her some Manuka Honey -supposed to have  great healing effects. We had a taste last night and it has an after taste that lasts for quite some time. It says – reliefs to sor e throats, relieves minor oral infections, relieves indigestion and helps maintain healthy digestive function. So another thing to try. 

We were successful with our bid for the Ambrotrose on EBay and should get it this week, The CoQ10 arrived on Wednesday – larger caps than I thought – both physical size and ingredients – 400mg which means Jill only needs to take one cap per day instead of six as she has been taking for the last two years.

We had an email from US during the week from a girl whose father has just been diagnosed with MSA. It still amazes me how many people read the ramblings of a retired old codger. Her comments embarrass me, yet make me proud at the same time that these words can help somebody.

This week has been annoying. We had been waiting for an appointment with a specialist on Tuesday afternoon only to get a phone call at lunch time that they had an emergency and had changed Jill’s appointment until Friday. A couple of hours latter another phone call cancelling that appointment and rescheduling for next month, much to our annoyance.

Jill takes it all in her stride( I’m the one who gets all frustrated when things don’t go as planed) and we went out to the gym and she did an extra hour of exercise while I vacuumed the pool again – still having trouble getting rid of the mud brought by the rain last week. We also headed to the netball courts and were almost finishing the return walk and a group of girls arrived to practice. Jill hates being watched as she walks with the crutches or walker- but no options – I keep telling her the girls are more interested in playing but she is embarrassed.

I have been working on a new task, we have a spa pool out the back but Jill cannot manage the high steps. I have decided to become a builder this coming week and cut the steps down and add a hand rail. This will give her some new exercises to try during the cooler weather. I think the hardest thing will be getting outside in the cold.

Jessie has just arrived at my side, I suddenly felt the claw in my leg, she wants some attention and when I let Jake in earlier he ate her dry food so I guess she also wants some food. Jake is asleep at my feet and is snoring. Every now and then he barks in his sleep and I always thought he was dreaming. The other day on TV they were interviewing a psychologist and he said that humans are the only ones that experience dreams – obviously he hasn’t met Jake.

I can hear the others in the house stirring so it must be mealtime for the humans as well.

See you next week on the net.

Jake sitting on Spa cover - he must get some warmth from the spa  Back patio - including barbeque, water feature , Jake’s home and Spa - note high steps

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One Response to Week 96 – When things don’t go as planed

  1. Cindy says:

    Hi Mac and Jill, I have been reading your website for a few months, since my husband has been diagnosed with MSA. I am American and he is German and we are currently living in Germany. So far, he is not taking any medication, but is taking various supplements, such as CQ10, fish oil, and vitamins. We are very interested in going to China, but I am concerned if the benefits are lasting. Do you believe that Jill’s progress came through the stem cell treatments or herbal medicine, accupuncture, and physical therapy? Would you still recommend going to China? My husband has an appointment with a neurologist next week, and we are tying to find out if stem cell treatments are available anywhere in Europe. Thank you for any information you can send. Cindy

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