Week 82 – Heat and toilets

We have survived another year and the celebrations of Christmas and New Year. The new round of birthdays has started for 2008. The weather has continued to be hot – no rain only temperatures in the high 35+.

The high temperatures have kept us indoor during the day with the evaporative air conditioning.At least it give me an excuse to watch the cricket on TV. As the sun starts to set we venture into the swimming pool and wish we had been there before. The pool is solar heated and the water temp is around 30C. I have been trying to get Jill into the pool before Christmas but with the rain etc I wasn’t having much success. Finally I have got her exercising in the pool. She is delighted with her self as she can walk in the water unaided. She has a range of leg exercise that Beth gave her last year and also hanging onto the edge and kicking her feet. She walks back and forth across the pool about 20-30 times. We also throw the ball to each other which helps with coordination. The biggest problem is the high steps to get in and out of the pool, but the desire over comes that obstacle. Jill has been having more trouble with her knees. The arthritis and the lack of cartledge is making using steps more difficult. I am suggesting we head back to the orthopaedic surgeon for any possibility of either stem cell treatment or knee replacement surgery, we have held of the latter as it would keep Jill of her legs for some time, but the pain she is in from her knees and the restriction in her walking as a consequence needs to be thought about. There has been some stem cell treatment on knee injuries – good results using your own stem cells. The orthopaedic surgeon we visited before going to China has been doing some treatment with Stem cells.

Every week brings its challenges – this week was the toilet. Thursday I noticed the pan was not flushing properly. Next morning the problem was worse and I had the feeling it would overflow- fortunately a phone call to our plumber had him there within an hour. He undid an inspection vent, pocked in a flexible rod and what ever had created the blockage was gone. He suggested that the old cast iron pipes had so much corrosion in them that they were restricting flow. He is going to give us a quote on replacing the cast iron with high density plastic. I thought this may be a chance to add a second toilet in the bathroom with a bit easier access for Jill. The only good thing that came out of this problem was that for the first time in over 12 months I was able ot wash the back patio with the jetwash – plumber suggested to do it on heigenic reasons. Certainly made things look good out there – dust, bird droppings, and spiderwebs all gone.

We had another baby in the house this week with a visit from Ada. Paul & Tamara brought their new (3 month) baby for Jill to see. I have always had a problem seeing somebody in a baby, but as usual Jill could see this member of the family in the face, eyes etc. Jill nursed Ada – and enjoyed that. Even Ada smiled and talked baby talk to her. We can understand why Margaret and Barry ( Grand parents) are so excited.

As I mentioned the next round of birthdays has commenced. It was Chris’s birthday on Friday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS- Have a good and relaxing week in Adelaide.

Well the first week of 2008 has passed and we will see you on the net next week

Jake keeping a watchfull eye on Jill in the pool  Jill catching the ball and dodgeing the water  Jill exercising at the edge of pool - cycle type leg movment forward and backwards  Jess and her Christmas present from Joan  Jill and Ada  Jill and Ada

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