Week 100- “Happy Mothers Day”

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.

Week 100 – It is 100 weeks since Jill set off to China for that first round  of Stem Cell Injections. The time has passed swiftly and things have changed – some for the better. We have tried lots of alternative things over that time . Massage, Biofeedback, Hypnotherapy,Alternative medicines, Chiropractor, stem cells , exercise and anything else that sounds as though it may help. We have scoured the internet, joined MSA – Sly Drager Groups and read articles all with the hope that we may find that illusive treatment and finally a cure.

Jill is sitting up in bed waiting for breakfast. Chris & Allison both rang and spent some time talking to her. We were supposed to be driving to Euroa and meeting them there. However Allison is not mobile with her broken toes and this week I am feeling sorry for myself, I have put a disc out in my back and find sitting very difficult for any length of time. I am eating standing, watching the TV standing and only lay down in bed. I watched the Big V play against the Dream team last night and I sat and watched only getting up to walk when they scored a goal. Since they both scored 20 odd goals each, I was walking more than sitting. I am even trying to write this standing – with some difficulty.

I spoke to mum on the phone this morning to wish her happy mothers day, she is waiting for Pat to pick her up. They are heading up to Jindra to Keiran’s farm for a barbeque. I wish we were able to be there – I hope you have a great time.

Jill has had Beth here this week and she is arranging the occupational therapist to visit to see if we can redesign our bathroom to make it easier for Jill to negotiate the toilet and shower. She also suggested some more exercises for Jill to attempt. Jill has been a little restricted to exercising at home in the gym and crazy machine as I haven’t been able to drive her down to the netball courts to walk. Jill has been reading her book out in the sunshine to help gather some vitamin D3. The important thing for Jill is she lost 2kg last week on the Kate Morgan diet and is looking forward to her next weigh in on Tuesday. This is the first mother’s day we have not been with the kids. Michael is on the way home so we will have a minor celebration after he cuts and colours Jill’s hair.

This week has been restricted so will hope the coming week improves and we will see you next week on the net.

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One Response to Week 100- “Happy Mothers Day”

  1. Grace Hernandez-Johnson says:

    Hi. My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years back but her symptoms seem to match MSA more. Her neurologist has mentioned it but hasn’t made an actual diagnosis. I have been reading up on MSA for a while now and my family and I are pretty much lost and don’t know what to do. My mother cant walk or talk very well anymore and right now we are looking into acupuncture. I was just wondering how the stem cell is helping and how bad were Jill’s symptoms when she started the stem cell treatment? We are desperate and are willing to try anything.

    Hope to hear from you soon and I wish you and your family all the luck in the world in your search for a cure for this mysterious disease.

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