Day Forty Five – We’re actually HOME

Another sleep and we are starting to feel almost human. We actually slept in and Allison and Chris were off to work by the time we were up. We packed, loaded the car and headed to WANGARATTA. Jill is still full up with her head cold and she slept of and on. We picked up Jake (the most excited Jack Russell you would ever see). He has not left our sides and at this moment he is on Jill’s lap.

We have unloaded the car, put dirty clothes in the washing machine and cleaned up. I have visited my mother and Jill’s aunty and spoken to some family members while we ate tea.

I know that I watch Jill hoping to see improvements. Well I was sitting watching TV (In English) and Jill got up out of her chair walked round the low table and headed out past the fish tank in our entrance, not touching anything- most would say no big deal. Well for as long as I remember Jill would head for the fish tank and use it to balance her self and yes it is a BIG deal. I headed after her and asked if she knew what she did. “No what” . What is more important she did it with out thinking.

We have started to investigate the possibility of purchasing the equipment needed for rehabilitation. We will also speak to our local GP and get the injections organised for Jill’s knees.

I have just spoken to Chris; his cold is still hanging around. He mentioned that Jon said that the chap mentioned on the ABC who the Australian Government was trying to stop going to China for treatment of his spinal injury had been in contact. I hope he has the chance to get there.

I know this is not a big diary entry but the bed is calling

See you on the net tomorrow


Jill & Jake - we're Home

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3 Responses to Day Forty Five – We’re actually HOME

  1. Allison & Chris says:

    Hi Mum & Dad,

    You both sounded really good on the phone last night. I hope you had the best sleep last night in your own bed!! There is nothing better! Take it easy, and let those little chinese soldiers take hold and do their newly assigned tasks!! March on!
    love to you both and Jake…

    Allison & Chris

  2. Hi. I thought maybe that you were no longer writing this diary, Mac, so I sent you an email about 15 minutes ago. Things are looking good. Love, Margaret

  3. Annie and David says:

    Welcome home,
    I suppose that you will, over the next few days, feel a “bit lost”. You have had such a structured existence for the past few weeks and now there is no one to tell you what to do and when to do it.
    We have read your chronicles with great interest. I would like to thank you for sharing your experiences with us. (Annie is Margaret’s sister and Barry’s sister in law if you are having trouble placing the names.)
    One can only hope that our government takes a close look at the opportunities for a new life that this new procedure offers to people who have really run out of the more traditional options.
    I don’t know if you ever suffered from wind? I know that I would need to light a match in the littlest room in the house (sorry Margaret) if I had 10% of the Chinese food that you have eaten.
    The idea of starting a blog for people undergoing or considering the treatment is a great idea. The net really comes into its own when used by people like yourself to communicate, hopes, fears, ideas and dreams. We had a grandson who suffered with Kawasaki disease and we devoured information from a number of support sites on the web that provided some understanding of the illness and its treatment and long term side effects.
    I wish you both well and I pray that the improvements continue to take place.
    There is a German expression, “alle Anfänge sind klein”, “all beginnings are small”. Jill has made a small beginning – let us pray that it just gets better and better from here.
    Love David and Annie

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