Week 340 “Home for 3 weeks”

We have been home for three weeks today and I have seem improvements I had not expected. Bec Jill’s physio has been working with her in “Jillsgym” and has her using the gutter frame and walking with her assistance about 3 meters. She usually has her do some sit to stands, squats and then 2 or 3 assisted walks. Jill is usually exhausted by this but I think also very pleased with her self. She has also been back in one of the chairs we brought back from China in 2006 doing some leg strengthening exercises. After Mondays exercise Jill was asked would she like to do some of her bed exercises – but said she would rather go to sleep. Bec also did some more lymphatic massage on both of Jill’s legs which are showing signs of swelling – I think as a side effect of taking Florinef to keep her blood pressure up. I have been taking blood pressure readings lying, sitting  and standing ( in the Sara Stedy) but they are not as constant as I would have expected or it’s my ability to get accurate readings.

We have had a gardner come in and clean up the garden so that hopefully I can manage it . I had let it get away from me over the past 4 months. We are still waiting on the wheel chair that was ordered back in January. The OT was here yesterday and on her suggestion we are going to have a rethink as to the style of chair we get. She will organise the wheel chair guru to come again and remeasure and go through the options. As this is financed through SWEP and we are on their waiting list the changes should not interfere with the time frame. We were originally told 3-6 months , but when Jill went into hospital the application was put on hold incase the requirements changed – which is where we are now.

We just had an email from Jill’s sister and they have almost completed there around OZ journey and are back in Victoria and heading to Horsham for there final night before arriving home. PaT and Keith have been away for a couple of weeks visiting their grand children on the Gold Coast – they expect to be home today.

Well I had better get Jill up – she has had breakfast poached egg and a blueberry smoothie and her tablets .

See you soon on the net.

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