Week 19 – Another week in Hospital

Well this has been a week we did not want. Jill is still in hospital and is still in a lot of pain. The actual cracks are in her sacrum which is part of the tailbone just above the coccyx and below the lumbar spine. A couple of nurses have described the pain as worse than child birth – also it lasts longer. They are giving Jill morphine morning and evening and using varying types of pain killers down to panadol max in between

The management of the pain is a little better or Jill’s tolerance is greater. The physio, going to the toilet and showering is done after administering pain killers where possible. She is more comfortable flat on her back or standing, sitting is the hardest.

She wants to go home and until that happens she will not be at all happy.

I am guessing she will be celebrating her birthday on Thursday in hospital although it would be a great present to give her.

Hospital stay for anybody is something that you do not want. Jill started in Casualty, then into MAPS medical assessment then into Thomas Hogan rehabilitation ward. The first bed in the Thomas Hogan ward was like going back in time. It was a 3 bed ward with hardly any room to swing a cat. No privacy except for curtains and a small distance out of the room to the toilet and shower. After a few words she was moved to a private room which improved the mood a bit. She now has an ensuite and a window to look out of. The nurses have been great and she is appreciating their care.

We contemplated moving to the private hospital – but they offered little in the physio rehabilitation so we felt it would be better to stay here

After a very lousy night last Thursday she had her synvisc injection in the fractures clinic at the hospital on Friday. Her orthopaedic surgeon came to the hospital and administered the injection – fortunately it was all over in about 15minutes and Jill was taken back to her room and allowed to sleep to make up for her night. The physios have had her up and using a frame called a gutter frame where in a standing position she is able to support her weight using her forearms in the gutters. They have given me the ok to help her over the weekend as they do not work then.

I don’t think she likes hospital meals that much. The hospital has introduced computerised menus and Jill was receiving vitamised food which was obviously meant for somebody else and that took a few days to get sorted out. They told us that they had a few teething problems. I think it’s with the person imputing the information in the first place.

There are no set visiting hours and I usually come home for lunch between 1pm and 3pm.

The visits by our family and friends certainly give a change of atmosphere and Jill does not like to be left alone. Jill’s Aunty Jean has been there every afternoon, while Allison, Chris and Nicole have made the weekends more bearable. Jill’s sister Jeanette was here for a few days, her comment was I hope this doesn’t upset Jill – making her think things are worse and they have brought my sister up here.

Sunday has arrived – minus 1.5C this morning but will be a beautiful day I’m sure – too good to be in hospital.

Watch for further updates – see you on the net next week

Position of the Sacrum

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One Response to Week 19 – Another week in Hospital

  1. Jon says:

    Jill and Mac,

    I am so sorry this happened. Hopefully there will be a quick recovery. Don’t know if it will help but we all miss you guys so much back at the hospital tat we have named are new admin colleague, Jillian. I can send you a picture if you are interested.


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