Week 111 “Time Flies”

Time is one of those things we all have to cope with. We have just passed another time line – my birthday and we have had all the family around us which is great for Jill. This gives her some more reasons to keep on keeping on. We had Chris, Nicole and Michael last week end and have Allison & Chris with us now. They gave me a fantastic present – a day of fishing with the boys. We are to go Murray Cod fishing for the day at Lake Mulwala with Roger Miles of Cod Hunter fishing Tours. Jill is to have a girl’s day out with Allison & Nicole. I’m not sure when this is to take place but the boys will organise it. Have a look at his web site. www.codhunter.com.au

This week has passed with Jill anxiously waiting for the results of the UTI – we finally had a phone call from our GP on Friday evening. Disappointingly the infection still persists. He says it is a different bacteria and has prescribed a different antibiotic for the next 7 days and then a five day wait before she can send off the next sample to the lab for the results. She will again be anxious and have all her extremities crossed. This obviously puts China on hold until we can get this under control.

We at least had some positive results on Tuesday when Jill went for a weigh in at Kate Morgan weight Loss centre. Another 900gm so a total of 8kg over the past 11 weeks- she was very happy and still has a goal – I’m not allowed to mention what that is, but we are half way. As usual the exercises take a big portion of our lives and Jill is the first to be ready. With the wet cold days we spend the time in Jill’s Gym or on that Crazy Exercise Machine. The family were impressed with Jill’s walking – only using one crutch and my arm when we went out for lunch last week end. I could feel the joy in Jill at being told how well she walked. She kept asking was I walking that good?

The comments we have received to our Blog always amazes and embarrasses me as I have only ever put this up to keep our friends and relatives informed about Jill. I am glad that others find it of some benefit. I have to be careful what I say as Jill is my editor and if I say anything to personal , I am told to delete or amend it. I think she enjoys in getting the comments as do I. We have made many friends over the past couple of years all brought together by this bloody disease.

We have had a little bit more rain over night so we will keep hoping that it continues.

I have been listening to Macca and I am waiting for the others to getup so that I can get Jill into the shower and get prepared to go out to my second birthday lunch.

See you next week on the net

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3 Responses to Week 111 “Time Flies”

  1. Jhanlyod says:

    Hello, still following Jill’s pgoerrss with the leg. Just thought I would update you on Ron’s treatment, he is now on a 6 week chemo treatment. Goes to Royal Melb Monday afternoon then chemo Tues then home Wed am after blood tests. They found that Chemo helped people with MS, so our Dr Yan is trying it on Ron, has Jill had this treatment? Had one dose so far, hands are steadier and eyesight slightly better, and legs feel stronger. lets hope it improves with the doses.Keep well Love Juneps It is a girl.

  2. I’m shocked that I found this info so easily.

  3. J.R. Masterman H.S. it exists and it's in Philadelphia. I know it must be hard for someone with your views on education to believe that it's not a fantasy but guess what? Public education can work for all students but there needs to be far more people like my classmates and far fewer giving up and writing off schools, teachers and students.

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