Week 153 ” Back from Bendigo”

Yes another week has gone – they seem to fly past. We arrived home from Bendigo on Tuesday evening. The Jeep was partially fixed, cruise control works, but they have to order parts for the electric windows. Also the windscreen wipers are making a clicking noise and on my inspection I suggested that they adjust the travel of the blades so that they stay completely on the glass. However I was informed that they need to replace the motor as it cannot be adjusted – not under warranty – cost $1100 – so I will put up with the noise. We picked up Jake on the way home and met Jessie at the front door – she must have heard the car in the driveway. Thanks Lorna for looking after her.

We had several messages on the phone when we arrived home. Four were from my mother or actually one of her friends at St Cath’s. I had not rung to say I wouldn’t be there on Monday as usual so she was worried. When I got there on Wednesday I found out she had had a fall and had hurt her arm. We will need to keep an eye on her to see that she gets some attention for it. She also has a mild dose of the flu – not swine flu.

Wednesday was Jill’s visit to Wang X-ray again, this time for an ultrasound of the bladder. Now we have to wait for an appointment with the urologist.

We are still waiting for our builder to come back and rectify the floor. We received a new drop down hand rail for the ensuite. I have to fit it this week. I have also fitted some extra rails in the van – used hand rail brackets and 20ml chrome rod. This will make it easier for Jill to walk the length of the van. Originally we only had a rail on one side.

Well I had better get this uploaded – see you next week on the net.

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2 Responses to Week 153 ” Back from Bendigo”

  1. alan says:

    Came upon this site when researching stem cells for an ankle injury of mine.

    There isn’t much to say except that I hope Jill gets better and goodluck, and also thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Doreen says:

    My name is Doreen, I live in Thailand and I’m trying to find the cure for my dad who is 62 years old. He has MSA about almost four years ago, we tried desperately to find a good therapist or doctors to at least stabilize the development of MSA disease. My dad is getting worse very quickly recently then I hope if I can find the right doctor or hospital in time, we would be able to at least make him live his life less suffer.I will appreciate if you will share the story of your treatment program. I’m especially interested to have a treatment in German. Is there any hospital in German that you can suggest to me?I have read about the University clinic in Freiburg from your story, is there any requirement to get the treatment there? I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon and will appreciate your help in providing the information.Thank you.

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