Week 343-4 “Another milestone”

We have reached another milestone – it is 8 years since Jill was diagnosed and 10 years since she retired from teaching due to falls etc.

Tomorrow is Jill’s birthday – I can’t reveal the number under the pain of injury. The kids are coming home for the weekend and that will be a great tonic. Jill can’t wait to she them especially Riley.

We have continued with the exercises and I have actually had Jill using the Crazy Massage Machine ( Vibration unit) sitting in front of it in the wheel chair with her feet placed on the vibrating platform for 10 minutes at a time, We have found an easier way to get into the exercise chair from China using the Sara Stedy . She does about 5 -19 minutes moving her legs in and out. Bec is concentrating on her doing side way walking using the gutter frame.

I think we may have overdone it  as she was very tired yesterday, sleeping a lot, and has redeveloped a major lean to the left. I can not leave her for long as I’m afraid she may fall out off the chair. She gets annoyed when I continue to straighten her up.

We have received the compression stockings and they seem to be working along with Bec’s massage. They are awkward to get on and need to be washed each night. I had a problem drying them – not allowed to put them in the dryer – my favourite item. So I roll them in a towel press very hard then hang them overnight – seems to work.

We had the podiatrist here on Tuesday to cut Jill’s toe nails and he also had a look at a pressure sore that was on her small toe – he explained it was burst blood capileries and a small bruise. He removed the lace from Jill’s shoes and relaced them, not using the bottom holes which allows the shoe to spread more around the toes. He said it’s an old trick used with athletes. The combination of the compression stockings and the the relaced shoes makes it a lot easier to put Jill’s shoes on.

Next week we have the dietician here – fingers crossed she has a simple way of producing weight reducing food – as we both seem to have put on weight.

Jill is still asleep , I am not certain how much rest she actually gets as the noise from the  stridor and the Cpap mask seem to disturb her.

I had better wake her for some breakfast.

See you soon on the net

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