Week 324 “5 weeks today”

I doubt that the past five weeks have passed that quickly for Jill – I must have heard the request  “I want to go home” a few hundred times.Over the past couple of days they have had trouble with the cast slipping down her leg and rubbing on the ankle causing a blister and a degree of pain. The physio and the OT spent quite some time readjusting the cast and photographed it in the correct position , also marked the cast so it was evident where the cast should be. The biggest problem is when they lift Jill with the sling it is under the cast and moves it as she is lifted of lowered. The Physio has put on the wall a set of instructions for how to handle it. This wasn’t followed very well over the weekend so I will have another talk with the Physio on Tuesday.

Fortunately we have had a few trial runs at home – not all successful. On Saturday 9th I arrived at the hospital at 10.30 and found Jill still in bed- they had forgotten she was to be picked up. There was a mad panic and Jill was rushed into toilet and shower. Jill needs time for each of these tasks. However we were ready for the Maxi Taxi when it arrived. Half way home Jill’s comment that she may need to go to the toilet should have rang my bells. She was excited about being home for 4 hours and I had to cook dinner – Rack of lamb with roast vegetables. I had most of it prepared and put into oven to cook.

Jill insisted that I take her to our toilet – this was an impossible task as we had no way of transferring her from the wheel chair . After several minutes of arguments I rang for the Maxi Taxi to return – hoping it was not on another call. Fortunately it arrived and we were on our way back to the hospital – 1 hour after leaving. Arriving just in time. I had packed Jill’s lunch and microwaved it when she was back in bed.

I was annoyed at the nursing staff – but also understand they are short staffed. Monday was our next trial and I insisted they have her ready- I arrived again at 10.30 and Jill was sitting in her wheel chair – having been there since 9.30. We had a great afternoon , watched several episodes of ” Mrs Browns Boys” and English series that Gavin had left with us. We ate lunch – Crispy skinned salmon – I have to work on my technique as the skin was not crispy but tasted good. The afternoon came to an end when the Taxi arrived to take us back.

We watched the footy and to Jill’s disappointment Melbourne was again being beaten. About 5.30 Dinner was served – cold salad -I keep saying order something hot.  The day ended with Jill saying  “I want to go home” and me wishing that I could take her.

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