Week 321 “First Day in Rehab”

When I arrived yesterday morning – I was greeted with “where have you been” and a kiss. Jill had been showered and was being put into a recliner which could be wheeled out side.  They spent some time making sure that she was comfortable as there are lots of bits and pieces to the chair.

Jill in Recliner

Jill collecting Vitamin D

The nurse suggested she take Jill outside to a courtyard which we had used many times during Jill’s previous stays. As the chair is quite large it was an obstacle course to avoid other staff, wheel chairs, beds being moved and protect Jill’s leg which protrudes well out the front. Once we got there she left us for about an hour in the sun – better supply of vitamin D than the tablets.


Back to the room – where Jill stayed in the chair and had lunch. Following that we had a visit from the Transitional Care Package Cordinator. She had some forms to sign and gave us a copy of what their plan was for Jill.

Our next visitor was the physio. Jill instantly took a liking to him. No not that reason. He said our aim is to get you home as soon as possible. They will show me how to use the transfer equipment which they will loan us . He did emphasise ( I don’t think Jill absorbed this part- just focused on the word HOME) that both myself and the rehab staff and to be confident that we could handle the transition. Obviously Jill has to have a couple of x-rays over the next couple of weeks and I need to be re programmed. He emphasised that there is limited to no physio that could be attempted on Jill’s leg until the cast comes of in 6-8 weeks and the only physio will be on the upper body and her right leg. This could be done at home with visits from the physio on a regular basis. There would be visits arranged from ancillary people to help me shower, dress and check Jills leg. Through the package meals , house cleaning and  gardens can also be looked into if we want them.


Jill had been in the chair for several hours and her bottom was getting sore. I called a nurse and she came in and started to prepare the chair for Jill’s transfer.  The arm rests had to be lowered to get the sling into position. She reached under the chair and the next thing the leg support dropped and Jill let out a scream as her leg dropped with the support. I grabbed for the leg and supported it. Jill’s nurse came with the scream and took over. finally into toilet and then back into bed and some well earned rest.

Dinner was served and the phone started to ring with the Skype tone ” It was our Riley dose – Chris had spent the day home with Riley as he had not been well – his other Grandma – Marg had arrived. He was certainly full of vigour and as always brings a smile to our faces. The disappointing thing is that we will not get to visit him on his birthday 29th May. His party is on Saturday.

About 7.30 I was told I should head home – this time by Jill.

See you soon on the net




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One Response to Week 321 “First Day in Rehab”

  1. June Bull says:

    Read your blog all the time , my thoughts and prayers are with you both at this time love June and Ron. xx Mt.evelyn.

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