Week 266 – “The Importance of exercise”

One of the things we have learnt is the importance of exercise. It is 5 years since we ventured to China where Jill had her first stem cell therapy. The thing we learnt there was the need for exercise.  Jill had acupuncture , massage and physical therapy each morning, followed by Voice exercises and then in the afternoon more physio. We have tried to maintain this regime ever since. As the MSA has developed we have had to modify the exercises to suit. Currently we do a leg and ankle massage after Jill’s shower, followed by a series of exercises which we can do on the bed involving , bridging , stretching and rotating. After lunch we do a series of exercises in the gym and a range of voice exercises using the idea of thinking loud.

This morning I was checking my emails and one that came through from the MSA chat forum. It made me add the above and include the following links to some important MSA exercises.

This the email I received:

The two links below are those that Paul was speaking about.  I saw Kathy who is the woman working with Gene in this video at one of the Los Angeles support meeting when she came to do some with the group’s patient and caregivers. Most of the equipment she uses in this you can buy at any store like Wal mart for just a few dollars. Just in the two hours that she was speaking to us and doing some of these simple exercises I saw a different in the patients. One that said he couldn’t do it at the start of the meeting was doing it at the end and seemed to enjoy it.  The motto we use here when I first joined the group was use it or lose it.  Range of motions , aquatic or exercises like these in the video are best for the MSA as they don’t overheat. Also remember to drink water while doing them as suggested in this video.  At the conference the doctors always tell how important it is to do them .
Pt 1

Pt 2

I hope that the above will help as it has helped JIll.  We also live by the moto


We will be back at the weekend as I prepare for our trip.



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